A Step-by-Step Guide to Selling, Buying, and Moving with a Dog

With the American Veterinary Medical Association estimating that 36.5% of American households are dog-owners, a guide to moving with a dog is more useful than ever.

The process of selling a home, buying a new one, and moving to a new location is fraught with some sticky situations, even if you don’t own a dog.

As much as we love our pets, they can complicate this process, so relying on the experts to guide you through is the least you can do to ease the stress of moving.

Selling Your Home

Making your home as presentable as possible can be a daunting task for many homeowners who are not inclined to be neat freaks.

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Decluttering is the first step in establishing a showing-ready home, according to Closetbox. Brighten up the dark spaces by adding additional lighting. T

hese dark spaces could be a hiding place for dog fur and other grime that could deter potential homebuyers. Another aspect of preparing your home is eliminating all signs that you are a pet owner.

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The home improvement guru Martha Stewart also recommends some tips for dog owners that will help prevent dog-related damage and mess in the first place.

These tips are particularly important in the time leading up to a showing. When a house is for sale, dog-proofing upholstery, being extra-vigilant about stains and limiting your dog’s sphere of activity are all smart ways to avoid unnecessary obstacles to the home’s sale.

You may have also grown used to any smells that your dog has brought into the home, so taking steps to deodorize the home’s interior, even if you don’t smell it, is vital.

On the day of the showing, make sure that you have arranged for a place for your dog to stay. All of your dog-proofing and masking is no good if the dog is present when the potential buyers arrive. Consider the need to declutter the exterior of your home as well.

house moving with a dog

Buying a Home

Selling is one thing, but buying a new home that will suit your dog’s needs is another issue.

Dog owners should first scout the neighborhood. Neighbors who are dog owners will provide nearby playmates for your pup, and these neighbors will be less likely to have complaints about your own dog.

As Harvard Health Publications explains, a neighborhood filled with other dog owners can help foster friendships for the owner, and tight-knit neighborhoods are always ideal.

You probably don’t need Animal Wellness magazine to tell you how important exercise is to your dog’s mood and long-term health.

Providing the dog a space to exercise in your own backyard is ideal, and it should be high on a home-hunters priority list.

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Keeping Calm During the Move

There are many tips available that will help you reduce your dog’s anxiety during a move. Pet Relocation recommends finding a crate that the pet does not mind before it comes time to move them.

In addition, safe products aimed at calming the dog’s nerves are available for purchase. Once you get the dog in the new home, act quickly to help the pup acclimate to the unfamiliar space.

Fido Friendly highlights the value of creating a dog-proofed room complete with a bed, toys, and other distractions aimed at maximizing a dog’s delight.

Take the dog outside immediately and frequently to establish the new bathroom area, and play some its favorite exercise-heavy games to distract it from the unfamiliarity.

Lastly, stay by your dog’s side. You will serve as a sense of familiarity amidst the uncertainty, and ensuring your dog feels safe by your side is important after a move.

Moving with a Dog doesn’t have to be difficult

Dog owners have a bond with their pet that, in many cases, rivals its connection with humans. We want to do all that we can to make our dog happy, and moving can be the most hectic time in a dog’s life.

 Fortunately, selling, buying, and moving with a Dog do not have to be overly stressful for a dog if you follow the right steps along the way.

This is a Guest Post from Cindy Aldridge at http://ourdogfriends.org/

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